Londres en après-guerre!
Ah, London, darlings! Europa! cannot wait!
Europa! is packing her Gepäcken, she has exchanged some Euros for Pounds, and she will be in London by Sunday.
"But, Europa!," you say, "How can you visit London so soon after the train bombings?"
Train bombings? Darling, of course Europa! does not like to see the people of London suffer. But to stay away from the foggy city is to ignore what the people of London do best... drink and dance in the aftermath of war!!
Of course, Europa! will not go immediately to London. Europa! is no rubber-necked voyeuse of accident scenes. And the officials need to investigate and to clean up in peace, natuurlijk. Europa! will wait until the dust has settled. (You know, the dust, it gets in Europa!'s hair and it loses its bounce and shine... These people who do this to the trains... we must forgive them, darlings - they wish to keep their hair covered - they do not appreciate the good things.)
Hmmm... now where did Europa! leave her umbrella?
Ah, si! In Frankfurt, silly goose!
Europa! 8-D
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