Viel Vergnügen in Frankfurt am Main
Of course Europa! did not forget you. But this has been such a busy week, and Europa! was a bit distracted looking for her umbrella in Frankfurt.

Europa! wonders where she left her umbrella
But now, Europa! must snap out of it... Heute, heute is the time to live. So Europa! will share the delightful little wine cellar she found while on her umbrella hunt.
While wandering around... hmmm... was it the Brönnerstraße? the Bergerstraße? Europa's friend Anja suggested we have a drink at one of her favourite places... and led Europa! to this charming little cellar in a courtyard off the Straße.
Of course, it is always bad to be led somewhere; you never know the address for yourself. But look at this gorgeous picture... charming!

The eternal question: "Rotwein oder weißer Wein?"
It was cool and delightful in the cellar but we were received warmly. A small selection of French and foreign wines was complemented by a plethora of local favourites, so Europa! chose carefully. Once Europa!'s glass had been poured, she was ready to sit, but Anja suggested the garden... and she was right! Quiet, with lovely plants and comfortable chairs, it is the ideal place to enjoy the fading afternoon...

In Deutschland, Europa! recommends the local white wine, but settles on a Spanish viño tinto.
Quel dommage, darling, Europa! had the card with the address. She will rummage through her things and let you know when she finds it. Meanwhile, do get lost in Frankfurt am Main yourself. You cannot have a disappointment when the sun is shining and the company is genial.
And if you have Europa!'s brolly, let Europa! know... Europa! is tired of looking.
Europa! 8-D
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