Wilkommen in München!
Darling, Europa! has some lovely pictures of old Munich for you! Just enter the gate...

This fresco of a battle scene over the gate is not enough to frighten Europa! from Munich's Marienplatz beyond.
Of course, you are wondering why Europa! would go to München about one month before the Oktoberfest. Well, the spirit of Gemütlichkeit is very important, but is not the only attraction in the beautiful Bavarian city. And, although beer is an important part of a balanced diet, we must not let our natural love of the brew overshadow the other charms of this beautiful European destination.
If you enter the gates of the old city, you will quickly come upon the Marienplatz, the commercial and cultural centre of Munich. Here, you can see the "Altes Rathaus", or "Old Town Hall"...

The Altes Rathaus, or Old Town Hall
...and the "Neues Rathaus", or "New Town Hall"...

The Neues Rathaus
Now, darling, Europa! asks you, if "haus" means "house", and the word for "Town Hall" is "Rathaus" what does that say about municipal politicians?
Hahaha, Europa! made joke!
Müncheners have a great sense of humour. Just look at this... so many cathedrals and buildings have little statues of important people or saints decorating them. These important figures are being frightened by a dragon...

Oh, where is St. George when you need him?
Europa! loves these little touches... Next week, she will have more pictures for you. There are so many lively things to see! Do make a visit to Munich part of your travels to Deutschland! So, from München, kisses and hugs!
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