Love on the mind in Paris

You may have love on your mind, but does she? In Paris, the answer is "oui!"
Darling, "mon chèrie",
Europa! promised for you a beautiful and romantic surprise, and what in Europe could be more romantic than Paris?
The city of lights welcomes the visitor with a "panoplie" of museums and attractions like the "Tour Eiffel", "les Champs-Élysées" and the famed "l'Arche de Triomphe". Every corner exudes a picturesque charm distilled from centuries-old architecture tastefully decorated with that passionate Parisian flair. Flowers abound in the summer, and the scents of freshly-baked bread, fine coffee, and wine lend a faint, yet heady aroma to the air. Oh, yes, and armpits. With water restrictions and all the immigration from the North African colonies, darling, you are bound to smell a few armpits. But, pinch your nose and open your eyes, darling, this is Paris, after all...
Europa! enjoys taking her lover by the arm for a stroll through the "Louvre", followed by a climb up the stairs of "Notre Dame" Cathedral and a sumptuous meal on the "Rive Gauche". Public displays of affection are not only tolerated, they are "de rigueur" and only close relatives and the frigid are expected to keep their hands off each other. Also, darling, kissing builds the immune system. This, along with a diet rich in chocolate and wine contributes to the average Parisian's robust good health.

The dress code in Paris is "fabulous!"
The night life in Paris is even more spectacular, and full of wonderful surprises. Everywhere are concerts, shows, and amusements, with revelers stopping only to lounge at one of the many fine restaurants along the way. As you stroll from one "boîte de nuit" to another, you will surely run into at least one pair of drunken, singing carousers. And, darling, you will feel like joining them. Why not? In Paris, even accordion music is not out of place. So, really, if one can play the accordion on the street without attracting ire, one can do anything.
As long as you are not rude to the waiter. Oh, darling, nothing will guarantee you poor service like that... Unlike many other countries, waiting on tables is considered a noble "métier" in France. The "clientèle" is demanding, and the waiter must have a thorough knowledge of food and wines, food service "hygiène", and etiquette. French waiters are an impeccable and disciplined lot. Patrons who approach the waiter brusquely or with arrogance or who neglect to say "S.V.P." and "merci" will quickly be relegated to the back of the line. This is why tourists, who are often careless and dismissive of the wait staff sometimes get the wrong impression...
If you are looking for the essential Paris nightlife, the district of "Montmartre" must not be missed. The atmosphere made famous by Toulouse-Lautrec still reigns, as brightly coloured neons beckon you inside to watch equally brightly-coloured "danseuses". But, do not expect to see the whorish, silicone-busted "grotesqueries" depicted in the American videos. "Les Parisiennes" are classically trained dancers with lithe bodies, and approriately natural, pretty busts. This is a class act whose timeless erotic beauty has delighted generations.

When you go to the Moulin Rouge or to the "Folies Bergères" you may see a bit of the French can-can, the dance which made Montmartre famous. You would love to see the real can-can, darling. There is as much kicking as a "Réal Madrid" final and it is even more entertaining. So, don't be shy to yelp your approval. When it's done right, the can-can is a rigourous workout for everyone.
Have fun, darling, and remember... an evening in Montmartre begins and ends with the flow of Champagne, which leads to... more romance, of course! So, enjoy!
Ciao! 8-D