Creepy Crawley

Europa! lounges in the Club Class named for her.
Europa! had small setback on her way to her winter abode in the Alps... Her connecting flight out of Gatwick airport was delayed. So, always curious about small English towns, Europa! decided to sneak out of the airport and to visit the nearby village of Crawley. Come see...
Crawley is a small town which owes its existence to London's secondary airport, Gatwick. It is loaded with English character, which makes the town very boring. Luckily, there is a very large complex of shops in the town center. Unluckily, the pubs did not open early enough for Europa! to take the edge off...

Europa! is stone cold sober... Oh, la-la!!
Luckily, the town of Crawley seems to be making an effort to conserve its character, probably in the hopes that it can bore future generations. This makes for lovely picture-taking, darling, so just take a moment to enjoy these shots...

A gorgeous, closed pub. Darling, is there a sadder sight in the world?

Crawley provides a gallows for the convenience of particularly bored residents.

Europa! appreciates the roadside art in Crawley. Bravo!
So, darling, after this small layover, Europa! jumped on to a jet and headed for Switzerland. Europa! is, as always, wintering in her cozy chalet in the Alps. But Europa! will not forget you, darling. From time to time, she will post a little something... news, advice or a recipe. So, until tourist season begins again, Europa! says...
Ciao! 8-D
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