What a Riot!

Europa! makes a 'faux pas?' "Non, il ne faut pas"!
Europa! is having now a bit of a headache. It seems that almost every time Europa! visits someplace, there is some kind of trouble... Floodings in Switzerland, bombings in London, and now, riots in Paris...
And, Europa! feels a little badly, because she mentioned the group responsible for the riots in her last blog. And now, they are rioting, saying "they do not feel accepted".
So, Europa! has something to say. First of all, when Europa! said that it is inevitable to smell a few armpits in Paris, Europa! was not referring to all the immigrants from the North African colonies... only the newest ones, among whom are some who sweat and who do not wash. Also, persons of all kinds who "ménage" water have sweaty pits, and other peculiar body smells. Besides, darling, rioting causes one to sweat more, so is it really a solution to the problem?
"Allons, allons", rioters of France, look at Europa!'s situation. Europa! is a stranger wherever she goes. Having chosen to become a citizen of the world, she is at home everywhere and nowhere. This was Europa!'s choice. But you do not see Europa! setting fire to cars. That is such hateful, wasted effort. And how can you accuse the people of a country of being hateful to you when you are so much more hateful in return? And how do you know that you haven't hurt people who thought well of you and were willing to give you an equal chance? By hurting your country, you only hurt yourselves.
Let me tell you what Europa! has learned about bigots... This is the distillation of all Europa!'s wisdom, and it may be a life-changing moment for you, so you may want to get yourself a tasty drink, a coffee, or a nice chocolate treat... Go ahead, Europa! will wait...
You're back? Good. Here it is... The truth about bigots is that they are a very small "minorité". But, they are very loud, and they repeat their bigoted views at every possible "opportunité", so you end up believing them to be everywhere. This is an illusion, and you must not let it ruin your life. If you have ears only for the bigots, you will not hear the many loving people, and you will become a bigot yourself. When you are this bigot, your mouth will spout forth your bigotry, and you will convert other loving people to their own brand of bigotry. It becomes a movement, with everyone going in different directions according to whichever group they choose. And, when the violence comes in, you have a real problem. Gone is the "possibilité" of discussion, of real, positive change. So, the rioters convince themselves that they have "une cause", when really, they are only bigots caught in the movement. And, their bigotry turns away the opinion of the loving people, and before you know it, Le Pen is "le Président". This is how dangerous "minorités" win elections.
Europa! speaks from experience, darling... No one can resist Europa! because Europa! makes herself irresistible, and she invites you to do the same. The way Europa! gains acceptance is by being bigger than her problems. No one can resist charm, nor education, nor humour, nor strength. Also, Europa! is always looking for a way to contribute. No one can resist being contributed to, it goes against human nature. But if you do not contribute, why should anyone give to you?
So, darling, find and cultivate your allies. If you live in a neighbourhood which is predominately one race, move. Mix. Love. Love more. Work. Be smart. Argue for the good. Think of someone else for a change. Take a risk. Trust Europa! you will find yourself loving your self and your life.
Darling, remember, no one can make less of a human of you but you. Always it is NOW, and now is always the time to choose who you are.
If that last sentence made you dizzy, sit down, have sip of your drink. You see? Europa! thinks of everything.
Bisoux, Darling,
Ciao! 8-D
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